Apophyllite designates a specific group of phyllosilicates, which are a category of minerals. Initially, this term referred to a single mineral but was redefined in 1978 to encompass a class of minerals with similar chemical compositions that form a solid solution series, including fluorapophyllite-(K), fluorapophyllite-(Na), and hydroxyapophyllite-(K). The term apophyllite is derived from the Greek word apophyllízo (ἀποφυλλίζω), meaning 'it flakes off,' highlighting the tendency of these minerals to disintegrate upon heating due to water loss. Exfoliation can also occur through acid treatment or simple abrasion. These minerals are commonly found as secondary formations within vesicles of basalt or other volcanic rocks.
Stilbite refers to a group of tectosilicate minerals within the zeolite family. Originally classified as a distinct mineral species until 1997, it was redefined by the International Mineralogical Association to encompass a series, which includes the specific types Stilbite-Ca and Stilbite-Na. Stilbite-Ca, the more prevalent variant, is a hydrous silicate composed of calcium, sodium, and aluminum, represented by the formula NaCa4(Si27Al9)O72·28(H2O). In contrast, Stilbite-Na features a higher sodium content compared to calcium. These two species appear identical to the naked eye, and the term stilbite continues to be used in contexts where detailed testing has not been conducted.
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The numbers under "variant" are the measurements in mm and weight in grams. Where known, the origin of the specimen is mentioned. The number at the end, is the specimen number in our collection. Colours may vary, due to photography.
It's important to know that many minerals can be effectively cleaned with water. However, before using any cleaning methods, such as dissolvers or ultrasound, please take the time to research online. Improper use of these techniques could potentially harm your specimen.
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