Labuntsovite (K,Na)3Ti2(SiO3)4(O,OH)2 nH2O is an exceptionally rare mineral group typically found in alkaline rocks that are low in silica, such as nepheline syenites and carbonatites. This group comprises three distinct species: labuntsovite-Fe, labuntsovite-Mg, and labuntsovite-Mn. The mineral is named after Russian mineralogists Aleksander Nikolaevich Labuntsov and Ekaterina Evtikhieva Kostyleva-Labuntsova, who conducted significant research in the Kola Peninsula region. Labuntsovite is characterized by its centimeter-sized prismatic to acicular crystals, which can reach lengths of up to 15 mm, and is often found in radiated aggregates or spherolites, displaying colors ranging from blackish red to yellow-brown.
Specimen details
Specimen details
The numbers under "variant" are the measurements in mm and weight in grams. Where known, the origin of the specimen is mentioned. The number at the end, is the specimen number in our collection. Colours may vary, due to photography.
It's important to know that many minerals can be effectively cleaned with water. However, before using any cleaning methods, such as dissolvers or ultrasound, please take the time to research online. Improper use of these techniques could potentially harm your specimen.
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